Types of Memory in Computer

Memory is the place where computer store data temporarily and permanently. It has two types

  1. Primary memory
  2. Secondary memory

1: Primary Memory:

Primary memory is the place where we can store data temporarily. It has two types.

  1. RAM  (Random access memory)
  2. ROM  ( Read only memory)

1: RAM:

This is reusable internal memory which works till power is “ON” we can read and write in this memory.

ram memory

ram memory

2: ROM:

Each computer has its main memory. It is preprogrammed that contain one or more programs the contents of ROM remain when power is “OFF” we can only read this memory

memory of computer

ROM Memory

Type’s of ROM:

1: E ROM (erase able ROM)

2: P ROM ( Programmable ROM)

3: EP ROM ( Erase able programmable ROM)

2: Secondary Memory :

It is permanent memory where we can store data permanently. It has two types.

i)        Magnetic disk

ii)      Compact disk

 i)        Magnetic Disk:

            Magnetic disk is used these disks is called magnetic disk

  1. Floppy disk
  2. Hard disk


1: Floppy disk:

Floppy disk is the secondary storage device. Its standard capacity is 1.44 MB and its standard size is 3.5 inch.

 2: Hard disk:

Hard disk is also called fixed disk . its standard size is 5.5 inch and its capacity is not standard

 ii)      Compact Disk:

CD stand for compact disk its standard capacity is 500 to 700 MB

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